When you decide to work with us on the build of a new website, we start a process of working in partnership with you. Web designers are not all the same – as a group we vary vastly, .
The Process
- Get Started By Completing Our Questionnaire
- Having spent some time on our website, the next step is to make an enquiry by clicking the button here. It will take you to short questionnaire which you should complete and submit.
- We’ll Review Your Answers
- After reviewing your submission we’ll suggest a meeting. During that meeting we can decide if we can help you achieve your goals. The meeting is free and will take about 45 minutes using either Skype or GOTOMeeting.
- The Exploratory Meeting
- During the meeting we’ll ask you any questions that we still have outstanding and you’ll have a chance to add anything you may not have told us before. If we all agree to go ahead, we’ll write a proposal.
- The Proposal
The proposal is an online document. It will outline the project and provide some costings. Some parts of the project are very well understood and we know roughly how long they will take. These parts of the project are quoted to you as fixed prices.
If there are any variable or unpredictable parts of the project we will quote these to you at an hourly rate. For example we usually allow two or three hours for training you once the site is completed. But some people require no training as they are familiar with using WordPress, others just a little, and some require more. As we can’t predict items like that, we quote an hourly rate.
- Signing The Proposal
- Once you’ve read and agreed the proposal, you can sign it electronically and make the first payment. This gives us the go ahead to start work.
- Getting Started
- We’ll start by setting up a project initiation meeting with you where we’ll ask you to provide all the items we’ll need for your site. This will include content, email addresses and other similar items. These are listed in the proposal so you will have plenty of time to get them organised.
- Project Tools
- We use Freedcamp to monitor all the tasks on the project because it is a lot less confusing than relying on email. You will have access to this – don’t worry we’ll show you how to use it – and if there are any tasks you are required to do on the project, you’ll see them on the Freedcamp dashboard.
- Site Content
- In the case of a brand new site, although we will input some content into the site on your behalf some of that content may well be dummy text and images just to act as a placeholder for your real content. Entering or re-formatting content is not generally something that we do for you unless you make it clear that you want us to include this activity in our pricing.
- User Testing
- Before the project goes live we’ll ask you to check that the site works as you expected it to work. Once you’re happy that we did everything we said we’d do, the site will be moved from the development server to the final hosting destination.
Get Started Now
If you’d like our help to make your website a success, you can start now by making an enquiry.